Infrastructure Funding Programs

- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development
USDA Rural Development has more than 40 programs to support investments in infrastructure, housing, and economic and community development projects throughout rural California. USDA’s loan, grant and loan guarantee programs work in partnership with state and local sources to help build stronger rural communities. - California Infrastructure and Economic Bank (IBank)
IBank, the State of California’s only general-purpose financing authority, has broad statutory powers to issue tax-exempt and taxable bonds, provide loans to state and local governments for a variety of public infrastructure projects and loan guarantees to lenders for small businesses. IBank’s mission is to finance public infrastructure and private development that create good jobs, a strong economy, and a clean environment to improve the quality of life for California communities. - California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
HCD is the State of California’s principal housing and community development organization. HCD administers a variety of State and federal housing, community, and economic development finance programs. Loans and grants to local governments, private non-profit and for-profit businesses to leverage additional local public and private resources to increase California’s housing supply and develop viable communities through the expansion of economic development opportunities.
- State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
The SWRCB’s Division of Financial Assistance provides funding for projects that preserve, enhance, and restore California’s water resources. Financial assistance programs include loan and grant funding for planning, design, and construction of the following general project types: municipal sewage and water recycling facilities, drinking water infrastructure for public water systems, groundwater clean-up, storm water management, nonpoint source pollution control, and watershed protection. - U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR or Reclamation)
Through the WaterSMART and Bay Delta Grant programs, Reclamation provides up to 50% cost-share funding to irrigation and water districts, tribes, states and other entities with water or power delivery authority. Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) are posted to; projects are selected based upon the criteria in each FOA. Competitive projects conserve and use water more efficiently, increase the use of renewable energy, protect endangered species, or facilitate water markets. - California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
DWR financial assistance programs support integrated water management activities that address public safety, environmental stewardship, and economic stability. Public agencies and other eligible organizations can apply for funding. The kinds of projects funded include environmental restoration, flood related, Integrated Regional Water Management planning, water quality, drinking water, water supply, water management, and water use efficiency. - California Rural Water Association (CRWA)
CRWA provides on-site technical assistance and specialized training for rural water and wastewater systems. - Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)
RCAC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides training, technical and financial resources and advocacy so rural communities can achieve their goals.